About ocbc_adm1n_b1rth1nG

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So far ocbc_adm1n_b1rth1nG has created 84 blog entries.

Public Announcement Made

2019-11-01T19:17:03-08:00October 27th, 2019|

We made our first public announcement about the formation of Our Community Birth Center!  https://mailchi.mp/8d1a35ba8bff/announcing-our-community-birth-center

Fiscal Sponsorship

2019-10-27T20:52:47-08:00October 9th, 2019|

We joined into a fiscal sponsorship agreement with the American Association of Birth Centers Foundation (AABCF) which allows Our Community Birth Center to start fundraising under the umbrella of the federal nonprofit status of AABCF while we are in the process of obtaining our own federal nonprofit status. AABCF will process donations and issue receipts on behalf of Our Community Birth Center. Donations will go toward the startup and operating costs of Our Community Birth Center.

Attended American Association of Birth Centers Birth Institute

2019-10-11T07:28:00-08:00September 14th, 2019|

Our Executive Director attended the American Association of Birth Centers Birth Institute in Orlando, Florida. This event included five days of networking and learning about many administrative and clinical topics to help build a sustainable birth center in an integrated health system.

Nonprofit Officially Incorporated in Oregon

2019-11-01T19:33:04-08:00September 10th, 2019|

We officially filed our Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation with the Oregon Secretary of State as Our Community Birth Center. This means Our Community Birth Center was officially founded on September 10, 2019. https://data.oregon.gov/Business/Active-Nonprofit-Corporations/8kyv-b2kw/data

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